Mission Moments & Survivor Stories

Real Survivors. Real Stories.
Why Our Mission Matters
Every year, St. Jude House serves over 650 clients and children and provides a full component of services, including housing, food, counseling for adults and children, case management, legal advocacy and educational programming.
Our vision is to be a catalyst and resource for prevention, education and awareness of domestic violence in all its forms. We are grateful to every survivor who has shared their story with St. Jude House to help others and drive change to end domestic violence.
Client A was in the dining room, and I walked past and asked her how she was doing. She smiled, said she was good, and asked how I was doing. I told her I am doing good as well. I asked her how her stay has been so far. She replied with a big smile and said, "It has been wonderful. Everyone is so nice here, and it is a very healing environment."
I was doing a Halloween craft with Client R's daughter, "S," while her mom made them dinner. Client S was so happy to make her mom something for Halloween because it's their favorite holiday. She made her mom the cutest pumpkin to resemble the night sky because her mom loves the moon and stars. Client R was so appreciative of staff taking the time to do crafts with her daughter and said she didn't fully realize how much her daughter pays attention to the things she enjoys, and not just the bad she witnessed.
My mission moment was when a previous client who had to leave our shelter in the past returned to St. Jude House for help. We saw each other again, and she had the biggest smile; I let her know I never forgot about her and thought of her often; she said she was so thankful for our help, she loved her room, and said everyone was so welcoming and that she was going to be moving out of state, you could really feel the sense of relief in the way she carried herself, she was able to keep her head up and smile.
My mission moment was when a client thanked me for being calm, patient, and nurturing when she was frantic.
A new client who had just joined us recently was having an emotional moment after an unexpected situation occurred in the shelter. She felt very overwhelmed and needed someone to talk to. I could see she was distraught and asked her if everything was okay. She said no and immediately started crying. I sat down with her and her daughter and listened. I was able to assure her that her feelings were valid and we want her to feel comfortable here. She seemed relieved after we talked. She thanked me and apologized; I let her know there was no need to apologize. We are here for her and if she needs anything at all, to let us know. I'm glad I was here for her when she needed someone.
A client asked for a haircut on her Christmas list. We were able to make that wish come true for not only her, but several other clients as well. After receiving her haircut and looking in the mirror, she shed many happy tears and was beyond thankful. She felt and looked like a million dollars.