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How You Can Help St. Jude House

Transform Lives with Us

Donate Today

St. Jude House is committed to ending domestic violence. While we receive funds from a range of sources, support from individuals is critical to continuing our mission, services and programs. Your contribution will help St. Jude House break the cycle of violence.


Items Needed to Support Survivors

What We Need

From clothing and toiletries to household items and toys for children, each item not only assists survivors of domestic violence but assists us in saving costs for purchasing the needs of our clients. For the safety of our clients and staff, we ask that you call ahead before bringing donations, and please do not leave donations outside the front door.


Raise Funds

Third Party Events

At St. Jude House, we are thrilled to participate in events that our dedicated supporters host on our behalf! Introducing our mission and services to your network helps us tremendously in our fundraising and awareness efforts. If you are interested in hosting an event to benefit St. Jude House, let us know how we can support you!

For more information, about partnering with St. Jude House to host a third-party event, please contact Lauren Zurbriggen, Director of Development, by phone at (219) 662-7066 ext. 325 or via email at [email protected].

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Your Support is Appreciated

Thank You to Our Donors

When people ask us what difference a donation can make, we reply that gifts to St. Jude House transform lives. Your donations help St. Jude House support adults and children in their moment of greatest need. It is at these moments, when a family’s future hangs in the balance, that your contribution becomes truly transformational.

With tears in their eyes, women have told us what it means to know they and their children are safe at St. Jude House and receiving the best services available.

Your time and financial contributions are admirable and much appreciated – thank you.

24-Hour Crisis Hotline (800) 254-1286 (Internet usage cannot be completely erased. Remember to clear your browser history.)
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